Wednesday, 8 August 2012

To Madness...

Not so long ago, this is exactly what I’d dream of – the heart of the city just outside my window, as I awake beneath the white, lavender-scented sheets, ready to take on the city and the adventures it has in store for me.

These days, and before this lovely month began, chaos consumed me with a newly developed motto of go-go-go, and much of this was taken for granted until I awoke at my parents’, in my four-post princess bed, and came to the conclusion that this is the best summer of my existence by far.

Travel, and flying, and social gatherings, family, friendship, and strip clubs in Budapest, drinking at the gas station, and rolling on the worst side-walks that a wheelchair ever could. Sitting in a charming café somewhere in Eastern Europe, questioning the origin of my worrisome nature, combined with the attitude of go-go-go...and never stop.

Returning to the heart of the city, worshipping the very side-walks I roll on, and feeling a hint of bad-ass as the 70% Absinthe resides in my luggage. Social events persisting, and philosophical concepts in between, while we discuss the progress of our lives. Badly balanced elevators, making me contemplate packing up for Germany, but mostly, home sweet home.

Romance – addictive crazy romance, the type built on instinct and attraction with the help of a sticky-note. A sexy thrill of endless butterflies, walks through the graveyard, and innocent laughter to the many stories shared. Verbal exchange in clever doses, tension building up by the seconds that pass, but remaining polite and speaking only with the eyes. Insanity – like you’re in too deep and utterly consumed by the energy around you, but justified by the adorable madness of it all.

Here’s to the summer as it transforms by the day. To life and growth, and madness and insanity. Cheers.

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